Jim Campbell nació en 1956 en Chicago, actualmente vive y trabaja en San Fransisco, estudió ingeniería electrónica y matemáticas.
Tiene piezas en la colección del museo de arte moderno de San Francisco, en 1992 creo uno de los primeros videos interactivos públicos en Phoenix, Arizona.
Su trabajo me gustó mucho porque de principio es un artista que trabaja distintos medios; es decir produce objetos, instalaciones, intervenciones, video etc.
Realiza piezas en las que combina la producción de un objeto (que pude ser escultórico) con la proyección de un video para formar una instalación.
Frecuentemente trabaja con como es que se relaciona el espectador con una pieza, o una pieza con el espacio donde se monta, haciendo estudios sobre el espacio, la luz y el tiempo.
Sitio en Internet: http://www.jimcampbell.tv/
"In 1988, coming from a technical background in engineering and an artistic background in filmmaking, I began to create interactive video installations that involve the viewer and the viewer's response to a given situation. In creating interactive video art work, my goal has been to move away from the conventional computer screen "button pushing" interface and instead to move towards creating works that have a more intuitive level of interaction. Making a distinction between a work that is controllable and a work that is responsive. I have tried to create installations that are less about a viewer dominating a work, and more about viewers participating in the developing personality of a work. My work incorporates electronic memory, prerecorded images and live images.
Attempting to create systems that respond and progress in recognizably non-random, but at the same time unpredictable ways, I have tried to create works that have destines of their own. Having always been fascinated with the philosophical analogies of certain scientific disciplines, my work has been very influenced by science, in particular some of the ideas relating to chaos and quantum mechanics. Using technological tools and scientific models as metaphors for memory and illusion, my work seeks to interpret, represent and mirror psychological states and processes, and their breakdown. Time and memory, individual and collective, electronic and real are the elements of my work. "